MyBB Codes

Full Version: Activate account redirection
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This mod will allow you to redirect your users to an url of your choosing after they acctivate their account.
Only for that first time. The url can be an internal one, i.e. to the rules section of your forum or at the Introduction area.
Or it can be to an external url. Note, for the mod to work, the "Method of registration employed for new members" must be set to Send Email Verification at User Registration and Profile Options in the Acp of your forum.

You can enable and disable this mod at the Acp-Settings-Redirect your members to an url of your choosing after they activate their account.
You can also enter there the url to where you want to redirect your users to after they activate their account.

How to install the mod:

Log in to your ftp program and copy the activateredirection.php file in:
/inc/plugins folder.
Reference URL's