Can you make a plugin that when you click to Make a Thread option it will load and inside the text box will be the predefined text set by the admin and the user will complete the missing information?
Like the one labrocca made but it is paid..
It would help me a lot.
Settings available:
Forum where the message will be used. (you can make a list with all forums and the admin can hold CTRL and select the forums)
Multiple messages. (the admin will be able to set as many message as he want)
Function ON/OFF for each message.
I think that there are a lot of settings but it was just a suggestion.
Thank you.
Can you post some screenshots of what you mean? It sounds like this might require a lot of work and time and I don''t have so much free time atm to spend on creating big plugins.
Here you go:
I still didn''t quite get it, sorry. What predefined text set by the admin and what missing information the user will complete?
Here in the forumsecurity we have the plugin request section right?
You want to add one format for this request and when the person click in the New Thread button the format will appear in the text box with the predefined text that you have added in the ACP.
Like this
1- CLick in the new thread to create a new request:
![[Image: newthread.gif]](
2- After that the format will be inside the new thread text box:
The text in the box is the text that the admin set in the ACP.
3- The person will just complete the missing information and post the thread.
This plugin will put an end in the fact that some people do not read the stickies with the format that he need to copy and past in the thread and them answer it and post.
Got it?
I think I understand now what you mean. I will give it some thought and when I will have some free time I will put it in my to-do list although it will be created for mybb 1.6*.
Why for 1.6?
When 1.6 will be out?
Becuse in the next weeks the first beta of mybb 1.6 will come out and I think the stable version will follow not long after that. So I don''t see the point in creating such a big plugin for mybb 1.4 and then have to update it for 1.6 although it might not need a lot of work but still.
Ok. I can't wait to see the 1.6, a lot of new features coming!
(12-08-2009 06:12 PM)Light33 Wrote: [ -> ]Ok. I can't wait to see the 1.6, a lot of new features coming!
Indeed. I am looking forward to it as well. Mybb Team did a really great job.