Look at my test:
15 of 20
Almost! Study a little more and take the test again!
Time Spent
This is impressive, For what test was it?
PHP Quiz.
Coding plugins is so hard.. I do not understand the codes and such things...

Actually it ain''t that hard. The hook system that it has going it is very very nice and handy. It makes the coding a nice experience. Check the hello.php file in the plugin folder of the mybb package. It is a great place to start. Also the Mybb Wiki contains some detailed info on the subject.
Ok. You will see that it ain''t that hard.
I don't think I will ever lean how to code. It seems very difficult.
(12-10-2009 08:39 PM)tarekovski Wrote: [ -> ]I don't think I will ever lean how to code. It seems very difficult.
It ain''t as difficult as it seems.
I'll read more and maybe.. I'll be coding some plugins here with babjusi?!