(12-28-2009 10:06 AM)argentina4ever Wrote: [ -> ]can i place mesage for hiden post in my language or hiden mesage only english
You can place the message in any language you wish for the hidden content and for after the reply.
thank you u're such a great coder
how do i download this? registered but cant download..
how to download this plugin?
You must be a subscriber to be allowed to download from the premium plugins section. Meantime you have only access to regular plugins.

Question, im looking in creating a sorta of application in a certain area of my forum, where users can post very important imformation about themselves and where other users can NOT see other members threads ONLY admins can see everything NOT users unless its the members own thread they created?
Hmmm I hope its simple to understand ...

If you need that only an administrator see a message, i would strongly suggest to ask your members to send them by PMs...
P.S. You could also use the
PM forwarder plugin here to transfer the PMs to someone else.