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Full Version: [Plugin for Mybb 1.4.*] Hide Posts Until Reply!
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Thanks, just subscribed today and starting to download a lot of awesome mods.


Just tested it out with default groups of 1,2,4 where 1=guests 2=members 4=administrators. with proper forum ids of testing and still able to see posts without replying on mybb version 1.6.

I will still continue to test this to see if there might be some other way of working it.
Welcome fellow Canadian citizen!

I really hope you find what you need here.

Hi, i would like to know if this plugin is being looked into for the compatibility of mybb 1.6?
Yes i have tested the local plugin yesterday and made other tests today with the version available online to download. Each time it was working properly, but i discovered that the instructions are not very clear on how to use this plugin and i will update them.

Meantime if you did not read this thread about the plugin, i will tell you these few details :

1- Administrators can always see the post content.

2- The Forums list is for the forums that will be affected with the hidden proccess.

3- The Groups list is for the people that will be enabled to always see the hidden posts.

4- You must put these two tags to tell the plugin which part of your post you want to hide :

PHP Code:[Highlight]
[hideThe hidden content is here [/hide

Please tell me if these details are helping you to resolve your issues. Wink

Thank you!
hmmmm ur right about the instructions. I always thought it was by default automatically hidden. I was actually looking forward for the entire post to not be shown and to have it replied for people to see it, would that be possible to do without the [hide] tags [/hide]?
Yes, you just put the tags to include the whole post. Wink

The main purpose of this is for creating "teasers"...

I could also modify the plugin to hide everything, when there is no [hide] [/hide] tags in it.
would it be possible to hide [code] and links until replied?
You can achieve this manually by putting the "[code] and links" between the [hide][/hide] tags.

Or you can use another plugin like this one "Min. Posts To View Links".
The thing is I would have to manually go through every post with any [code] tags to add the additional [hide] tags. Going through hundreds of post to add the additional [hide] is not productive and time efficient. May i request the [code], links and [hide] tags post until reply plugin be made? As this will help keep posts alive by having it bumped and replied to.
I may suggest you to have the search and replace automaticely done with phpmyadmin mysql requests.

You will need to search '[ code ]' in all posts message and replace it with '[ hide ][ code ]' and do the same for '[ /code ]' and '[ /code ][ /hide ]'.

Do a backup of your table just in case before. Wink

Sample requests :

PHP Code:[Highlight]
UPDATE `mybb_postsSET `message` = REPLACE(`message`,
'[code]''[hide][code]'WHERE `messageLIKE '%[code]%'

UPDATE `mybb_postsSET `message` = REPLACE(`message`,
'[/code]''[/code][/hide]'WHERE `messageLIKE '%[/code]%' 
P.S. These requests have not been tested...
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