12-14-2009, 01:37 PM
Name: Hide Posts Until Reply!
Type: Plugin for Mybb
Version: For any versions of Mybb 1.4* series.
Funcionality: Originally I was going to make it to automatically hide only links which would be seen until users had replied as requested here:
But then skiilz came up with some extra suggestions that were appealing to me as like that I can make use of the plugin myself as well.
Anyway, this plugin will allow you to hide posts at certain forum/forums, until a user has replied to see them. You can hide the entire post, half of the post, links or whatever you wish. When the user will see the hidden content, he/she will see a message informing him/her that they must reply in order to see it. After they reply, they must refresh the browser and they will see the hidden content along with a nice message thanking them for their post.
Both messages that will be displayed to the users, before and after the reply, are fully customizable in the acp. There you can also enable and disable the plugin, enter the id''s of the forum where you wish to hide the posts and as last but not least, you can also choose which membergroups can see the hidden contents without having to reply.
The admins see the hidden content automatically.
To have an idea how the plugin looks like in action, please check the attached screenshots below.
Important: Nobody is authorized to upload this plugin in other sites/forums and claim it as their own. You are also not allowed to remove the copyright without my permission. By downloading the plugin you agree to the above.
Download link:
The plugin is free. However 5 posts are needed to download it. If you will bother to post at all, then please make them quality ones. You now need to be a MyBBCodes.com subscriber to download this plugin. Thank you 
Type: Plugin for Mybb
Version: For any versions of Mybb 1.4* series.
Funcionality: Originally I was going to make it to automatically hide only links which would be seen until users had replied as requested here:
But then skiilz came up with some extra suggestions that were appealing to me as like that I can make use of the plugin myself as well.
Anyway, this plugin will allow you to hide posts at certain forum/forums, until a user has replied to see them. You can hide the entire post, half of the post, links or whatever you wish. When the user will see the hidden content, he/she will see a message informing him/her that they must reply in order to see it. After they reply, they must refresh the browser and they will see the hidden content along with a nice message thanking them for their post.
Both messages that will be displayed to the users, before and after the reply, are fully customizable in the acp. There you can also enable and disable the plugin, enter the id''s of the forum where you wish to hide the posts and as last but not least, you can also choose which membergroups can see the hidden contents without having to reply.
The admins see the hidden content automatically.
To have an idea how the plugin looks like in action, please check the attached screenshots below.
Important: Nobody is authorized to upload this plugin in other sites/forums and claim it as their own. You are also not allowed to remove the copyright without my permission. By downloading the plugin you agree to the above.
Download link: