05-09-2010, 05:18 AM
Hello Girrbyte, and welcome to MyBBCodes!
If you are looking for a plugin, the easier way is to click on our Mods Database menu option in our top menu or Search in our forums.
Please read carefully the following Rules.
General Rules:
1. This is an Community Forum. Don't share any adult content/do not post any obscene content.
2. Hacking, Cracking and serial number distribution is not allowed in this forum.
3. Personal attacks against any Member OR Team Member will not be tolerated. Any issue can be discussed with a Team Member via PM. At any time you can contact Exdiogene the owner of MyBBCodes, for any important problem.
4. Only one account per person is permitted.
5. All threads/posts must be in english. Except when they are posted in their own language dedicated forum.
6. Do not propose/link to any site that contains warez/copyrighted software/materials that can be downloaded illegally.
7. No commercial advertising is permitted.
Post Rules:
1. Start a new thread in most relevant category.
2. Do not post a duplicate thread. We will suggest you to use search.
3. Make sure another thread with same topic is not already posted before creating a new one.
4. Do not spam the forum.
5. Links to other forums and content copied from other websites/forum is not allowed.
6. Failure to abide by these rules may result in a warning, deletion of post or ban. MyBBCodes Management reserves the right to make any changes to these rules at any time.
If any of these Rules is unclear to you, please contact Exdiogene for any questions.
MyBBCodes.Com Team.
If you are looking for a plugin, the easier way is to click on our Mods Database menu option in our top menu or Search in our forums.
Please read carefully the following Rules.
General Rules:
1. This is an Community Forum. Don't share any adult content/do not post any obscene content.
2. Hacking, Cracking and serial number distribution is not allowed in this forum.
3. Personal attacks against any Member OR Team Member will not be tolerated. Any issue can be discussed with a Team Member via PM. At any time you can contact Exdiogene the owner of MyBBCodes, for any important problem.
4. Only one account per person is permitted.
5. All threads/posts must be in english. Except when they are posted in their own language dedicated forum.
6. Do not propose/link to any site that contains warez/copyrighted software/materials that can be downloaded illegally.
7. No commercial advertising is permitted.
Post Rules:
1. Start a new thread in most relevant category.
2. Do not post a duplicate thread. We will suggest you to use search.
3. Make sure another thread with same topic is not already posted before creating a new one.
4. Do not spam the forum.
5. Links to other forums and content copied from other websites/forum is not allowed.
6. Failure to abide by these rules may result in a warning, deletion of post or ban. MyBBCodes Management reserves the right to make any changes to these rules at any time.
If any of these Rules is unclear to you, please contact Exdiogene for any questions.
MyBBCodes.Com Team.