I didn´t find any threads about this, so i´m asking you, what´s your favorite host and why. It doesn´t matter if it´s free or not.
I myself are using
This one.
They got most things I need for free.
So what host are you guys/girls using? (if not your own server), and what´s your Recommendations?
i gathered by the domain name

Used HelioHost for a while, but they started getting unstable and I had a lot of downtime with them. Then I went to x10, good service, but the server could be very slow at times.
A friend of mine now pays for the domain name and for HostGator hosting services for ECHS, never had a problem with them. Fast server, unlimited bandwidth and space, and about $5 a month.
Really disappointed about HH though, I liked them a lot

The best web host is the blue hosting. Because it Run faster PHP with FastCGI, Quick support, responsible host, Best Php host for version 5, It has Instant account creation, and SSH Access and so on.
Olympe-Network is the best webhost
i wonder if blue host going make there plans alittle more better. and give out free hosting.
as for me. i have Alpha Hosting,. its faster and better. but no SSH
but some day i want to get VPS, or Dedi. if i can get it. with Cpanel, + WHM + Zamfoo.
if the zamfoo going be free any longer