Has anybody got a copy of the advanced quick reply plugin?
As the one on MYBB dont have all the files anymore?
I used to have this before upgrade but not now
Desperate for this.
I have just checked for this plugin on MyBB plugins page and it is still available for download here :
P.S. If you already downloaded that Plugin and there is something missing in it, i would recommend that you tell us what files are missing?

Please remember that in some styles when you use Advanced Qiuck Reply plugin your Forums could have a white empty zone when you slide it horizontally while showing threads. To remove this error just open showthread_quickreply and set the width of the text in pixels, just like this:
<textarea style="width: 650px; padding: 4px; margin: 0;" rows="18" cols="80" name="message" id="message" tabindex="1"></textarea>
(08-05-2010 01:25 PM)exdiogene Wrote: [ -> ]P.S. If you already downloaded that Plugin and there is something missing in it, i would recommend that you tell us what files are missing?

for some reason only the readme file is on that download?

I just downloaded the file and all files are inside. Look in the "inc" directory you will find the "plugins" directory and inside it the "advancedquickreplyform.php" file...
Maybe you ZIP application have some problems!

(08-05-2010 04:15 PM)exdiogene Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe you ZIP application have some problems!
That was it...
I tried another system and it worked.
Thanks again for being a great help