The email admin about new user currently sends an email to admin showing the new users username,email address and ip address.
Is there an addtional piece of code i can use to make it send me the custom profile fields as well?
I really do not believe that this plugin belong to us?
Can you give more details about this plugin, its author, link...

(08-06-2010 08:29 AM)exdiogene Wrote: [ -> ]I really do not believe that this plugin belong to us?
Can you give more details about this plugin, its author, link...

Yes of course.
The link is:
Im asking here as the forum admin here are so polite

Thank you for the details...
But as I suspected, this plugin is from another author and unless his license permit another developper to modify it and redistribute it as a paid plugin, there is not much i can do!
I can tell you that it would be possible to send you the "custom profile fields" and any other informations available from that user. Unfortunately you should ask first its author for these modifications unless we could legaly modify a copy of this plugin as previously mentioned.
If you are out of options, then you could make a request for this plugin to be developped here. But you will have to wait until september to see it available, my ToDo list is quite full at the moment!