MyBB Codes

Full Version: guests is there away
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I was wondering if there was away to stop All Groups (except Admins)
(A message floating around the forum reminding them that they eathier have to join or post a reply or at least have 1 new thread in order for the following items...

Here are the items:
Not being able to download attachments or anything
Not being able to see links
Not being able to see or download pictures

I have found a plugin on MyBB for guests not to be able to see whats in the thread.
Sorry for not responding earlier to your question... Sad

You can easily prevent them to download any attachment with group permission and use the promotion system to allow them to download with a post count.

For the two other restriction you would need a plugin to do this and we do not have one at this time, i would need to create one if needed. Just tell me if the one you have found do not suit you well and i will put that plugin in my ToDo list... Wink
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