I tired a plugin called whodownloaded which would tell you who downloaded a attachment from the post well didnt work so i removed and tried several times to reinstall and now i have these in my settings panel 6 times attachment watcher where do i go to delete these 6 settings no longer wanted?I provided a jpeg of where and what the settings look like 4 times they are there also i have uploaded the plugin!!
Were did you got this plugin?
I am quite sure it is not from here...
Effectively the author seem to be an Iranian!
This plugin seem to be as badly done as most Ghazals plugins that i had to correct...
Go in the template "postbit_attachments_attachment" and delete all "{$attachment['atw']}" you will find there...
No was not from here have never gotten plug in from here that gave me any issues tried if didn't want took out but i knew you were the man to tell me how to fix LOL!!!But this isnt on my templates it in the control panel under plugin settings !!Oh and this was a release from here !!
Also while we are talking notice in this last post i put the link where i found and i used the pound sign to make a dead link if not it would be live and you could clikc on it and go to it is there anyway to make a plugin when someone puts a link like that on my forum it will automatiacally kill it so it looks like that and not click able??
The one below here!!see how now its live cause i didnt click the pound sign after highlighting then clicking the pound sign??
Sorry i forgot about the multiple groups not delete when the plugin is deactivated.
Go to AdminCP -> Configuration -> Settings -> Modify Settings
And search for bolded title "Attachment watcher" and delete them all...

Yahoo thank you bud i knew you would know thats why i stick with the plugins here usually this was one that looked nice though i would try never worked and created a mess but seemed like a good plugin do we have one here like that??Thank you
Unfortunately not at the moment, i will put it in my ToDo list and it should be available in a month or two...

(08-14-2010 07:14 PM)exdiogene Wrote: [ -> ]Unfortunately not at the moment, i will put it in my ToDo list and it should be available in a month or two...

Thanks this is not a pressing issue and not even a necessarily plug in was just wondering what about the other thing do we have anything like that live link killer??I may have asked before don't remember!!
(08-14-2010 06:42 PM)tazman Wrote: [ -> ]Yahoo thank you bud i knew you would know thats why i stick with the plugins here usually this was one that looked nice though i would try never worked and created a mess but seemed like a good plugin do we have one here like that??Thank you
This makes me happy and tells me i made a good decision coming here!