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Full Version: I Would Like to request a tag cloud plugin
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I know there are a few out there and they are pretty good right now I am using the one made by watt from but I like this one wp-cumulus

I have attempted to put to add manually to this site but the tag cloud links do not up date or change you would have to do it all by hand.

I think the colour full tag cloud would look good.
I had a quick look at the wp-cumulus and it is a Flash plugin, like all your other selections. At the moment i do not do Flash plugins because it would not be worthy of the cost of the Adobe application to do them!

I could make an automatic colour text tag cloud plugin, that will update himself at each new index page generation.

Just tell me if this would be enough for you or if you would like more options...

Thank you for your reply
O.K the page was my attempt at trying the code from which I do not think page is working right. I never had to Use Adobe flash to setup anything but I think that if you made aplugin we could still get it to work
Could you Do?
Adding up similar words: forums(3) and forum(9)
Adding up similar words: members(4) and member(3)
So you get html cloud like this
PHP Code:[Highlight]
<a href="http://forums" onmouseover="'#9a68f1'" onmouseout="'#8c156c'" style="color:#8c156c;font-size:25px;text-decoration:none" title="Count: 12">forums</a> <a href="http://guest" onmouseover="'#d6a57e'" onmouseout="'#69b4f9'" style="color:#69b4f9;font-size:11px;text-decoration:none" title="Count: 3">guest</a> <a href="http://statistics" onmouseover="'#c44deb'" onmouseout="'# dad05'" style="color:# dad05;font-size:16px;text-decoration:none" title="Count: 5">statistics</a> <a href="http://members" onmouseover="'#b5643c'" onmouseout="'#49bb44'" style="color:#49bb44;font-size:20px;text-decoration:none" title="Count: 7">members</a> <a href="http://posts" onmouseover="'#796b4b'" onmouseout="'#5ab9f1'" style="color:#5ab9f1;font-size:14px;text-decoration:none" title="Count: 4">posts</a> <a href="http://online" onmouseover="'# 9d328'" onmouseout="'#eb3827'" style="color:#eb3827;font-size:14px;text-decoration:none" title="Count: 4">online</a> <a href="http://users" onmouseover="'#6c8062'" onmouseout="'#5bbcc8'" style="color:#5bbcc8;font-size:14px;text-decoration:none" title="Count: 4">users</a> <a href="http://weather" onmouseover="'#f4cfba'" onmouseout="'#f7b998'" style="color:#f7b998;font-size:11px;text-decoration:none" title="Count: 3">weather</a
And have that stored in an .xml file called cloud_data.xml and look like this
PHP Code:[Highlight]
a href="http://forums" hicolor="0x9a68f1" color="0x8c156c" style="font-size:23">forums</a>
a href="http://guest" hicolor="0xd6a57e" color="0x69b4f9" style="font-size:9">guest</a>
a href="http://statistics" hicolor="0xc44deb" color="0xdad05" style="font-size:14">statistics</a>
a href="http://members" hicolor="0xb5643c" color="0x49bb44" style="font-size:18">members</a>
a href="http://posts" hicolor="0x796b4b" color="0x5ab9f1" style="font-size:12">posts</a>
a href="http://online" hicolor="0x 9d328" color="0xeb3827" style="font-size:12">online</a>
a href="http://users" hicolor="0x6c8062" color="0x5bbcc8" style="font-size:12">users</a>
a href="http://weather" hicolor="0xf4cfba" color="0xf7b998" style="font-size:9">weather</a>
And about 50 to 100 words in cloud max so it does not look to cluttered

I might be able to use the plug in you make with the flash tag cloud or I could just be dreaming Tongue who knows maybe it will

So could that be Done ???????
Yes i can easily create an .xml file called cloud_data.xml and put in it the tags from the places you want, But how would it be good for SEO and your site?

I strongly believe that it would be better to have your tags in your HTML page for the Search engines to see them easily...

Unless you plan to use both methods to keep the fancy flash presentation of your tags,, but still the HTML links would still be available to them, so it would be a duplication of content for your visitors... Undecided


Addendum :

I verified about the application license and there was none!

I feel quite uncomfortable to developp something connected to a compiled binary which i cannot see if anything harmfull could be present inside it! If theis application was created by a very well knowned software developper established since several years it would be quite a different story.

So the best i can do, is to developp my own tag cloud plugin having an option to also write a cloud_data.xml file in a specified directory for your flash application to work with it. I am also suggesting to enhance considerably our actual "Thread Tags 1.0" plugin to add those features to it and more...

What do you thing about this? Wink
That sounds good and should work for what I would want. And your way would be good for seo too.

That application license you where talking about was for the page right ??? listed under the GPL

That page it setup and run by and it based on a word press plugin created by roytanck

I just found this too javascript version
Yes, i would greatly prefer to integrate the javascript version in my plugin!

But it is based on a GPLv3 License not allowing anything connected to it to not be GPL...

Also there is 3 needed Javascript files to be downloaded by each users, with a total of 200000 bytes that is quit much for slow connections. There is also a conflict with one file and the prototype.js script used by MyBB forums, it could be solved with some other codings but i prefer to not make so much changes in a public plugins...

I will think about it this week and respond here. But it seem at this point that my previous solution would be better for most users! Wink
What ever works I am easy going It's just that i like that tag cloud and would like to see it for MyBB I could always install wordpress But I would rather stick with MyBB.

I will await you answer
Looks like you may have a new subscriber soon

And Thank you for you time
The thread tags that you where going to update would it be possible to have the tags auto add from the post subject?
The tags are normaly typed when creating the thread first post, if you mean that its subject should be parsed to extract the possible tags from it, then if would need some artificial intelligence to choose only proper words! Tongue

Unless you are suggesting to simply extract all words longer than 3 characters and dump them in the tags box, this would need to be done using javascript, because it should be edited before the new thread is posted. Another solution for this without javascript, is to enable in AdminCP a setting adding automaticely these words in the tags when the thread is saved.
Right now when you use the thread tags And you Enter In the post subject the thread tags is empty and you got to in cert the tags your self.


Post Subject: Hello How Are you to day? (Now have the tags add automatically)
Thread tags: Hello, How, Are, You, Day (doping "to" cause it smaller then 3 characters)

That's what I meant artificial intelligence would be nice but I am pretty sure you would want more then subscription to your site Big Grin lolol

See I do like the Tag cloud by watt over at but it has lots of problems and the color tag cloud would look way better.
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