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Full Version: Advanced Thread Tags
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Name: Regentronique Advanced Thread Tags
Author: exdiogene
Description: This Plugin will add a Tag Input Box on New Thread pages where Members could easily add tags, include a Tags Cloud box with a search box in the Index page and/or create a file allowing a Flash Tags Cloud on the Index page. It can also create a META Description link and a META Keywords link with the tags included for SEO.
Version: 1.0
Compatibility: 14*,16*,18*,20*
Files To Upload: Three
Files To Edits: None
Languages Files Included: YES
Author is Responsible For Any Damage: NO
Author Provide Support For This Product: YES
License: Inside the License Folder
Copyrighted: All codes within the product are strongly copyrighted.


1. Upload file in ./inc/plugins folder
2. Upload files in ./inc/languages folder
3. Activate Plugin
4. Adjust settings to suit your needs
5. Optional : You can download the Flash application at


Last upgrade V1.1 (Oct 19, 2010):
Added more options, better random colors, all tags in lowercase.[attachment=792]

Last upgrade V1.2 (Aug 25, 2011):
Excluded invisible threads for tags harvesting, changed internal global vars access method for new versions of PHP and excluded curly braces from tags.[attachment=819]


You can reach our support forum at: Plugins Support
The administrator can be reached here: exdiogene

I hope that you will appreciate this plugin.
Thank You
is this the flash/java tags you been talking about (the newest one)?... sorry she is on the telephone Wink
This plugin is not using any flash/java, but it is creating the needed file for the Flash Tags Cloud application available from!

thanks for this plugin
i test it soon
For sure Im going to be trying this out over the weekend, age is catching up to meSmile
I have a problem I do not appear in the list of plugins and I can not turn, try installing the 2 but the same problem (uninstalling the previous one), also tried to put it in Spanish language, any solution?
Have you extracted "Regentronique_Advanced_Thread_Tags.php" from the ZIP file and copied it into your "MyBB/inc/plugins" directory?

Both languages files "Regentronique_Advanced_Thread_Tags.lang.php" can be translated in spanish by using a proper editor.
I follow the guide at the bottom of the letter and just change the language, do not touch the file Regentronique_Advanced_Thread_Tags.php

Sorry 4 my English
Sorry, but i do not understand the actual problem you have.

Can you now see the plugin and activate it?

Or do you only have difficulties to edit the language file in spanish?


Lo sentimos, pero no entiendo el problema real que tiene.

¿Puedes ver ahora el plugin y activarlo?

¿O es que sólo tienen dificultades para editar el archivo de idioma en español?
I can not see and activate the plugin.

The Spanish translation has nothing.


No puedo ver ni activar el plugin

La traducción al español no tiene nada
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