Any chance that this kind of feature would be avalaible?

this would be a great thing for users

There will be a need to decide where to put the stop button, i will think about it and put this in my ToDo list.
But for now i have a huge task to update all my plugins as compatible for version 1.6 of MyBB forums...

I think the best place for such button could be in header welcome block member

work work Rej, mybbcodes rulz

thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
This looks great, can't wait to download it

hey exdiogene...any idea when we can see a stop button added

? thanks mate love it
Hey there again...having some problems with this plugin...installed it...
uploaded my song to an external server..which i put here
put that url into the background music settings...saved it ..refreshed my homepage...weird thing a popup comes up saying ' additional plugins are required to display all the media on this page'
then there is a button next to it says 'install missing plugins' i click that and it searches and says 'no new updates are available'
found this using Mozilla/Friefox
no background music yet

will await your guys reply thankyou!
This plugin is used to play standard sound files having suffixes like ".wav", ".mid", ".MP3", etc...
Your link have no suffixes and i believe that the browser you use do not have the proper media player for the file you are trying to play.
I had a look at this link "", you cannot use this for playing sounds or music! The file must be available for immediate playback on a real server, why dont you copy the file in your MyBB directory and playing it from there?