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Full Version: [Release 1.4.x] Post It Note 1.0
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Yes it is working for all themes.

If you have installed the "post-it-note.js" in your "jscripts" directory and your javascript is enabled in your browser, i would verify if in fact your actual theme "header" template was modified to have at least this in it :

{$welcomeblock}{$postitnote}<script src="jscripts/post-it-note.js"></script>

If all this is fine, i would need a test account to verify your problem on your site. Cool
yep.. i have that in my header template and the javascript is enable in my browser, stange uh ?

{$welcomeblock}{$postitnote}<script src="jscripts/post-it-note.js"></script> <style>#postit{position:absolute; width:200px; padding:5px; background-color:lightyellow; border:1px solid black; visibility:hidden; z-index:100; cursor:hand; color:black }</style>

visibility:hidden could that be it ?
Do you also have a template "postitnote" in your actual theme?

The visibility is supposed to be triggered to visible by the javascript.
I have one in my Global Templates
with this in it but it's not showing on my afresh black theme..

<DIV id=postit style="RIGHT: 25px; TOP: 15px"><DIV align=right><B><A href="javascript:closeit()">[<img src="images/close-it.png">]</A></B></DIV><B>{$title}</B><BR><P>{$note1}</P><P>{$note2}</P><br/><p align="right"><a href="" style="text-decoration: none"><font size="1" color="Red">Powered by</font></a></p>
So if you are absolutely sure to have "activated" your plugin inside your AdminCP, i would only suspect a browser problem.

Can you give me a test account so i could test the problem in your forum with few different browsers?
I tried it with Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome.. it's still not showing, but hey it's ok
I have uploaded the Version 1.1 of this plugins with all bugs corrected.

Now it will show the postit note the first time you access your forum with your browser.

It will also deactivate properly, cleaning up its activation changes.
Hey it's finally working exdio !
thanks alot ! that will be helpful
I am really happy to see that my work is appreciated. Smile

Thank you Chainz!.
yeah it's me again.. UHH)

just a little suggestion for this plugin, if you ever work on it again
it should have a way to turn it off from the settings page.
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