08-19-2009, 01:00 PM
Hello Reader 
The reason for posting this thread is very obvious in order to download from this community. This thread will guide you how to get the Cash in this community.
Collecting cash is necessary evil for downloads in this community, BUT posting a garbage around these forums will result simply to BAN. MyBB Users know very well from my previous community that I Love to Ban Users. No, Its NOT true by myself. As far as good members are concern, I am really faith ful to them. BUT if one of them wants to mess up the forum, proven to be an idiot of his/her country, I certainly banned him/her and kicked off from the community.
Now came up to the point of this thread. You have to make a Software Thread with the following
1. Should starts with the following syntax;
Name of Software: a.b.c.
Name of Company: a.b.c.d.
Name of the Author: a.b.c.d.e.
Name of Website: From where the software actually published.
Version: e.g. 1.0
Free OR Share-Ware:
Screenshots: If any.
A Brief Description: x.y.z.
Downloading Link:
^^ One important point: You should not upload any software to my forum, nor you should give the exact downloading link. In both these cases you will recieve a ... (You know very well
) The downloading link will be acceptable in the following parameters.
e.g. My software is at this URL >>> http://www.mybbcodes.com/download/ghazal.exe
BUT before this, the author or the publisher of the software explains a brief introduction to the software in this URL >>> http://www.mybbcodes.com/download/view/ghazal ... THEN you should write
the description link as your Downloading link the above mentioned syntax.
2. The software thread should be approximately 255 characters. Each software thread title should be marked with Proper English. Threads should be in English.
3. And last of all but not least you should give a valid link. If you make any false way to collect the Cash, then you should also make into consideration what punish will be waiting for you...
Thankyou for your continued support
Download Software Thread Syntax File

The reason for posting this thread is very obvious in order to download from this community. This thread will guide you how to get the Cash in this community.
Collecting cash is necessary evil for downloads in this community, BUT posting a garbage around these forums will result simply to BAN. MyBB Users know very well from my previous community that I Love to Ban Users. No, Its NOT true by myself. As far as good members are concern, I am really faith ful to them. BUT if one of them wants to mess up the forum, proven to be an idiot of his/her country, I certainly banned him/her and kicked off from the community.
Now came up to the point of this thread. You have to make a Software Thread with the following
1. Should starts with the following syntax;
Name of Software: a.b.c.
Name of Company: a.b.c.d.
Name of the Author: a.b.c.d.e.
Name of Website: From where the software actually published.
Version: e.g. 1.0
Free OR Share-Ware:
Screenshots: If any.
A Brief Description: x.y.z.
Downloading Link:
^^ One important point: You should not upload any software to my forum, nor you should give the exact downloading link. In both these cases you will recieve a ... (You know very well

e.g. My software is at this URL >>> http://www.mybbcodes.com/download/ghazal.exe
BUT before this, the author or the publisher of the software explains a brief introduction to the software in this URL >>> http://www.mybbcodes.com/download/view/ghazal ... THEN you should write
the description link as your Downloading link the above mentioned syntax.
2. The software thread should be approximately 255 characters. Each software thread title should be marked with Proper English. Threads should be in English.
3. And last of all but not least you should give a valid link. If you make any false way to collect the Cash, then you should also make into consideration what punish will be waiting for you...
Thankyou for your continued support
Download Software Thread Syntax File