Is this offer still open ?
Yes, like previously writen : "The contest will run until january 1st, 2010 leaving enough time to see few winners!"
Only quality posts will be taken in consideration...

Can I take a part to this contest ? but there are 4 days left before the january 1st

Yes, everyone is welcome to participate!

too late for me to take part but goodluck to the other users
(12-28-2009 07:32 AM)loveit Wrote: [ -> ]too late for me to take part but goodluck to the other users
I think Exdiogene bro give a chance upto 4 th January. Isn't it ?
(01-02-2010 11:20 AM)naqshbandios_limra Wrote: [ -> ] (12-28-2009 07:32 AM)loveit Wrote: [ -> ]too late for me to take part but goodluck to the other users
I think Exdiogene bro give a chance upto 4 th January. Isn't it ?
Sorry, the contest on posting strictly in the "Webmasters Resort" forum as closed on january first 2010.

im too late! if only i had joined sooner
I wish that this great contest should be extended. As I saw that the traffic to this great forum is increasing day by day. Hoping that more members should get benefit through it.
Too bad, but the contest is already finished.