Good site, but requires money

(10-13-2009 11:34 AM)ghazal Wrote: [ -> ]Good site, but requires money 
Yes it requires money but it will submit your site o 2000 + search engines. That's a high paying work IMHO

Rather not. Most traffic will come from Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Ask. Better off just submitting to major search engines for free. Because probably 98% of those search engines are worthless.
Hey Exdiogene ! Do you think it's still a good idea to pay them 30$ to submit a website to all those search engines ?
I'm waiting for a reply, if you think it's a good idea i'm gonna try it.

I would summit my site for free myself to many search engines if it was important. Only few search engines are used by 90% of the people on internet, so i do not believe it is worth the 30$ for less than 1 hour to submit your site to them.

thank you ! I'm going to do it the old myself way and save my $

I have read about the idea of the how to submit the site to 2000 + Search Engines. I like your idea. But I want to know about the estimated amount for the how much time duration.