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One of the commonly-seen layout, especially in large websites displaying ads, is wrapping the text around an advertising block. This is accomplished using the float property.

The float property has three possible values: 'left', 'right', and 'none'. Let's take a look at the following examples:

Example 1: Given the CSS declaration,

#leftfloat {

the following HTML,

<span id="leftfloat"><img src="yp.jpg"></span>This example illustrates how float:left affects the appearance of a block. Notice how the image "floats" to the left.



Example 2: Given the CSS declaration,

#rightfloat {

the following HTML,

<span id="rightfloat"><img src="yp.jpg"></span>This example illustrates how float:left affects the appearance of a block. Notice how the image "floats" to the right.



Notice the presence of the width property increases the spacing between the image and the text.

Thank You
Wrapping text around an image is easy when using the CSS Float attribute. You have a choice to either float the picture to the left or to the right .This Attibute Floating an image to the right.
(10-29-2009 06:31 AM)mikewilkinson Wrote: [ -> ]Wrapping text around an image is easy when using the CSS Float attribute. You have a choice to either float the picture to the left or to the right .This Attibute Floating an image to the right.

Yes its true Smile
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