it should work like:
[jass]function test takes unit u returns nothing
(at least in the preview don't work)
Yes it is working like this, it will highlight the code in a way similar to what the [ PHP ] tags are doing for PHP code.

well... this don't work for me |: don't know why... anything else to do then import to inc/plugin and install it?
If you have put your JASS code between [jass] [/jass] MyCodes tags and activated the plugin, then it should work!
Can you give me an account to test it on your site?
it work now (just need to refresh the page) but it remove all the spaces... making a giant text wall
I could modify the plugin to add an extra setting allowing to replace spaces/tabs with proper amount of " ".
I will put this in my ToDo list for november...

thanks for this

My Polish MyBB Board with this plugin and Polonization is Great

like it
would you tell me how to implement this on my phpbb forum please?