I really like Resident Evil as diver256 said but... my favorite is Moulin Rouge
Hacker cool movie
Titanic is one of my favorite movie. i had seen this movie so many times. There is a good love story in this movie. The songs are also very nice. The action is very good. I like the scene when the ship is touch with the ice mountain. I also like the titanic ship very much.
Scarface - The world is yours, I like it !
My most favorite movie is Inception and Step Up 3D. I have seen both movies number of times. Here are some of the movies which are my favorite and are really good:
- Black Hawk Down
- Terminator II
- The Town
- Tokyo Drift
- Rocky 1,2,3,4
There are so much movies favorite of mine as they are mentioned below.
1. The Expendables
2. Sleepy Hallow
3. 2012
4. The Mummy
5. The Messenger
inception is my all time fav.
I have a big list of favourite movies, Mostly prefer to watch Action and Comedy movie. My favourite movies are: Die Hard, The Expandable, Iron Man 2, The Hangover, Catch me if you Can, 2012 and 300.
There are many movies i like to watch. Here are the most favorite of mine is listed below.
1. The American Spy
2. The Mummy Return
3. 2012
4. Titanic
5. Lord of the Ring