thanks to you. i like you project
Thanks for this information..
i will start making post and thread.
woow awesome man. appreciate your effort
I have 10 pese, and I download attechment, but i can't down load and my pese is 0

oke bro thanks for explaining
(07-15-2010 02:28 AM)mrsaurieng Wrote: [ -> ]I have 10 pese, and I download attechment, but i can't down load and my pese is 0 
i have actually investigated this situation.
From what i saw you have accumulated a total of 6 peses with your actual postings, because 6 other posts were not filling our criterias for a good posting. Then you had a total of 11 peses with the 5 you had after registration.
You have downloaded 1 plugin "" at 07-15-2010 02:21 AM and have been substracted the 10 peses required for it, leaving you 1 pese, from what i see here your download have been sent to you because it have been included in the completed transfers database table.
If for any reason you got an error message not allowing the download to finish at your place, please inform me about it and i will send you the "" plugin at your eMail address...
Thank you.